Layout Color Customization

Theme Color Customization

Customizing the theme color in Dashcode is highly flexible, allowing you to use any custom color as the theme color.

Adding a New Color:

To begin, open the theme.scss file and add your new color following the code snippet provided.

Ensure you use the HSL color values.
.theme-dark {
     --sidebar: 222.2 84% 4.9%;
     --header: 222.2 84% 4.9%;
.theme-rose {
     --sidebar: 341, 64%, 43%; 
     --header: 341, 64%, 43%;
     --secondary: 339, 60%, 51%;
      --menu-arrow: 339, 60%, 51%;
    --menu-arrow-active: 336, 67%, 60%;
.theme-gray {
     --sidebar:  210, 10%, 23%;
     --header:  210, 10%, 23%;
      --secondary: 207, 14%, 31%;
      --menu-arrow: 207, 14%, 31%;
    --menu-arrow-active: 203, 16%, 43%;

Defining Your Color:

After creating your color, define it in the use-config.ts file by referring to the code snippet provided.

export const Config = {
  "collapsed": false,
  "theme": "violet",
  "skin": "default",
  "layout": "vertical",
  "sidebar": "draggable",
  "menuHidden": false,
  "showSearchBar": true,
  "topHeader": "default",
  "contentWidth": "wide",
  "navbar": "sticky",
  "footer": "sticky",
  "isRtl": false,
  "showSwitcher": true,
  "subMenu": false,
  "hasSubMenu": false,
  "sidebarTheme": "redwood",
  "headerTheme": "light",
  "radius": 0.5